A DNA occurs when appointment is not attended and the patient has failed to contact the Practice in advance to cancel it or where the cancellation is too late as to make it impossible to allocate to another patient who needs treatment. 

Patients who habitually miss their appointments have a negative effect for the practice and patients. Our practice works on an appointment basis, therefore:
• The missed appointment slot would have deprive another patient from seeing their Doctor earlier
• Our doctors and staff spend a great deal of time chasing up missed appointments instead of focussing on patients who are present


  1. For current patients who have supplied their mobile phone number and consented for SMS communications, we have in place a text reminder system for upcoming appointments.
    We send a SMS reminder for current patients 24 hours before their appointment.
    If you would like to have this service set up please speak to one of our receptionist.

  2. Patients who book online via Healthengine App or website will be able to make and cancel their appointment on this platform as it is linked directly to our appointment books.
    Healthengine also sends out email reminders for appointments booked through them the morning of the appointment.

  3. We also provide an appointment reminder cards at reception.


Where this is the first occasion, a DNA alert is automatically added to the Patient’s medical record in Best Practice. The patient is either sent a text (SMS) or given a verbal warning regarding the DNA. This warning will be recorded in the patients file as a contact note.


When there is a second or more DNA within a three-month period, the patient will be given another warning either via text (SMS) and formal letter sent to the registered address regarding their second or more DNA in three months and recorded on patients file as a contact note.
The patient may no longer be able to book appointments online via Healthengine and may only call the practice to book appointments.


Where a third or more DNA has occurred (within a three-month period), the practice will review the individual case-by-case basis with the Doctors. If it shows that the patient continues to display a disregard for the practice policies and procedures, they will be formally removed from the practice patient list.


It is our intent that this policy is never required. Our team is available to help our patients attend their appointment on time. However, we need to ensure that our patients understand the issues that habitual missed appointments cause grievances and there would be consequences.
Any questions related to this policy can be directed to our management team.